About Consumer's Ombudsman
About Consumer's Ombudsman
Anchor Τίτλος
About Consumer's Ombudsman

The Consumer's Ombudsman is an Independent Authority established by Law 3297/2004 and supervised by the Ministry of Development & Investments. It functions as an out-of-court body for consensual resolution of consumer disputes, but also as an advisory institution of the state for the treatment of problems which are within its competences.

After the adaptation of the Greek legislation to the Directive 2013/11/EU, Consumer's Ombudsman acceded in the special Register of General Secretariat of Trade and Consumer Protection, of recognized and certified bodies for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes, subject to the special arrangements governing it as a statutory Independent Authority.

Λευκό Φόντο

The Consumer's Ombudsman does not handle cases that are pending before the judicial authorities or reports that are considered clearly vague, unfounded, insignificant or that are carried out in an abusive manner or in violation of the principle of good faith.